Realize Language organises and analyses data in an easy-to-understand graphic format that provides valuable insights into each individual's language development. As a subscriber, you will have unlimited access to a unique variety of tools that help you discover and support important aspects of language development.
For an annual fee of £9.95 (including VAT), this powerful tool will enhance your ability to help your client, student, or child learn language and develop language plans that meet the needs of every individual. Available on a variety of platforms, this innovative tool is easily accessible and convenient for sharing reports with other team members.
Discounts are available when purchasing multiple subscriptions. Purchase multiple subscriptions to the Realize Language qualify for a 10% (5 -9 subscriptions) or a 17.5% (10-25 subscriptions) discount. Subscriptions may not be transferred and fees are not refundable. Subscriptions may be purchased using a credit card.
Liberator are pleased to offer this unique online resource to support language development.
View a list of AAC devices currently compatible with Realize Language.