Realize Language is capable of analysing and creating reports on information from several AAC devices and Apps:
For all devices and apps, you must first turn on the data logging function. This feature is OFF by default and until it is set to ON, no data can be logged or analysed.
The option to upload data logs automatically on a daily basis is OFF by default. You need to set this to ON from your device or app before it will work with the Realize Language website. Please note that Liberator SpringBoard, Vantage, and Vanguard devices do NOT have the auto-upload feature and data log files have to be copied from the device manual prior to uploading them to the Realize Language site.
With all devices and apps, you can transfer the log file from the device to your computer using a USB drive or via iTunes. You can then upload that file data to the Realize Language site.
A series of How to videos is listed below, designed to help familiarise you with Realize Language and ensure you benefit from all the unique tools and reports included with a Realize Language subscription. You can also find them on the Support page.