Realize Language is a subscription-based web tool from Liberator (Prentke-Romich Company) that provides an automated analysis of data logging files from a number of AAC devices and apps.
Augmentative and alternative communication, also known as AAC, is a term used to describe various methods of communication that can help people who are unable to use verbal speech to communicate. AAC can benefit a wide range of individuals, from a beginning communicator to a more sophisticated communicator who generates his or her own messages.
An AAC device is technology programmed to generate speech via a series of actions or commands on a screen or keyboard. AAC devices range from simple, single-picture-based systems to devices that enable users to develop language skills and become independent communicators expressing their original thoughts.
An AAC app is a piece of software that can run on a tablet device, which has been designed specifically to provide voice output for people who are unable to use verbal speech to communicate, and who do not have significant access issues.
With automated data logging (ADL), when someone uses an AAC device or app to communicate, the words and messages they create can be saved. The type of information collected includes which buttons are pressed and when, as well as what words are spoken.
A standard automated data log file is typically a list of numbers and letters that is very difficult to understand without some training. The Realize Language site turns log files into easy-to-read charts, calendars, images, and tables that are easy to understand regardless of skill level. The site can provide multiple analyses using a number of one-click widgets to create graphics and reports. By using simple drop-down calendar menus, you can specify the exact time periods during which you want the analyses to take place.
Being able to measure the use of language gives therapists and teachers the ability to understand an AAC user's progress and plan the next steps in the user's communication skill development. This information also gives parents valuable insight into their child's language development and how to support it.
Realize Language has been designed to provide reports in graphic formats understandable even to people without specialised knowledge of AAC.
Currently, all Liberator devices are "Realize Ready", meaning they are compatible with the Realize Language tool. The NOVA chat devices from Saltillo are also Realize Ready, as is the LAMP Words For Life™ app from the Center for AAC & Autism and the TouchChat app from Silver Kite. We will be continuing to work with other device and software developers to encourage more Realize Ready options.
View a list of all Realize-Ready devices.
Realize Language is available through an annual subscription. Once you subscribe, you will need to create a Liberator Account using a name and a password, which will then act as your log-in to the system. You do
For devices that have access to a Wi-Fi connection, there is the option to automatically upload data log files on a daily basis. You first need to set up a Realize Language account and then you can create a connection between a device and that account. Once the connection is established, your device will send log data to the Realize website every day, provided there is a Wi-Fi network available. If the device cannot find a legitimate Wi-Fi connection, it will simply wait until one is available and upload at that point.
The time at which automatic uploading takes place is based on the time at which you set up your first connection from the device to the Realize website. So if you initially set this up at 10:00 AM, then that becomes the daily upload time. If you want to upload data before the next auto-upload time, you can use the “Upload Now” button in your device’s AAC software.
If you’re using a iPad with either the LAMP Words for Life® software or TouchChat HD™ app, you might have come across the issue of your data log file not uploading even though your device shows you have a working Wi-Fi connection. You may also have tried to manually upload your file only to get a “File contains zero valid LAM events” message. The most likely reason is that your iPad has been set to use the 24-Hour time setting and not the more common 12-Hour setting.
To fix this, on your iPad go to Settings, General, Date & Time, and then make sure the "24-Hour Time" is turned OFF i.e. it should not be green. This will set your iPad to use the 12-Hour clock and your data will be logged correctly.
With a subscription to Realize Language, you can upload your client or child’s data and then use any of the widgets on the site to analyse the language. PDF reports or simple graphics can be printed to include in custom reports. Your information can be shared directly with other Realize Language subscribers but only via the secure sharing system built into the site.
A client's data is only directly available to a specific account holder and every account is password protected. Data on the Realize Language server is stored behind a number of security protocols to minimise any chance of being misused. At any time, an account holder can completely delete a client’s data such that even the Realize Language website Administrator cannot restore it.
Realize Language and its parent company Liberator are committed to maintaining the privacy and security of the data uploaded to the Realize Language site and uses secure password encryption to prevent unauthorised access to the account. Realize Language does not collect Protected Health Information (PHI) on the account owner or person using the AAC device at any time. While an uploaded file may contain personal information, Liberator cannot access the data file for an individual client without direct permission from an Account Holder, and that permission can be revoked by the Account Holder at any time.
Only subscribers to the service can share information directly — non-subscribers cannot access the system. The Realize Language website will allow sharing of data between account holders but only if both parties have agreed to the share.
A 30-day free trial period is available during which you can upload your data and explore the different types of analysis available. If you haven’t yet collected any data, you can download and use our free demo sample file.
The Realize Language subscription is available for an annual fee of £9.95 (including VAT). In order to subscribe, you must first sign-up for a Liberator account. You do not have to have a Liberator device to subscribe, just a device or app that is "Realize Ready." For more information on creating a Liberator account and purchasing a Realize Language subscription, click here on Create Account.
A subscription is valid for one year and expires automatically after that period of time. Prior to your subscription ending you will receive emails reminding you to go to the "My Account" page of the Realize Language site and renew your service. If you cancel your subscription, simply do nothing and let it lapse. Please note that subscriptions are not refundable.
Realize Language is compatible with Liberator AAC devices, Saltillo devices, and the Words For Life and TouchChat apps for the iPad®. We are working towards making other devices and software compatible as soon as possible.
Contact support@realizelanguage.co.uk